Official Log out PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 is coming! If you missed the live stream, a whole bunch of games were announced and confirmed for PS4, including Killzone: Shadow Fall, Watch Dogs, and a new (what looks like a) hack-n-slasher from Capcom called Deep Down, and more.

Then there's the controller the DualShock 4 that has a clickable touchpad, a 'share' button for, er, sharing your captured gameplay video and screenshots so you can send them to your friends.

Plus, Gaikai told mentioned that as soon as you press X on a game in the PlayStation Store, you'll be able to start playing the game immediately while the rest of it downloads in the background.

It's been a massive day. What do you think is the most exciting thing about PS4?

What are the big games you will be playing on the PS4 I hear you ask. So far, these are the confirmed games we know are coming.

KIllzone: Shadow Fall, Infamous: Second Son, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Diablo 3, Watch Dogs, Destiny, Final Fantasy (PS4), Deep Down, Knack, The Witness, DriveClub.

We're looking forward to Watch Dogs!!!

sony will reveal the PlayStation 4 in the spring.... they have finished a design but are keeping it a very guarded secret as the ps3 was leaked before it was announced and they dont want this happening again, one of the first games will be GTA5 and a new call of duty.. no news on if its black ops 3 or a new modern warefare, how do i know this.......... because i have a very close friend who works for the design department of sony computer inc and is working on the ps4.... n guess what... i get to have a play even beforeit hits the shops what is your opinions 

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